+1 (832) 795-2405

PRO Business Consulting

Follow Your Process, Inc. provides comprehensive business consulting services to portable restroom operators (PROs) worldwide, including strategic planning, business development, operations management, human resources, finance, and all other aspects of owning and operating a PRO. Scale your business, enter new markets, overcome barriers to growth, sell your PRO business, or start a new PRO business with time-tested systems and processes expertly customized to your unique situation. Here's how to get started with Follow Your Process, Incorporated:


Confirm a mutually good fit

Needs Analysis

Understand your “pain points” and your “magic wand”

Scope of Services

Define our services, deliverables, and fees

Hire FYP

Let’s roll!

The Playbook

Over many years of working at and consulting for PROs, the most popular deliverable has been the “Playbook”—a customized set of documents containing granular detail on every procedure and process company-wide. No two PROs have the same culture, so no two Playbooks are the same. Developing your Playbook is an interactive process in which the consultant, business owners, and key employees are all fully engaged.

Culture & Values

Build a culture that aligns with your personal values and serves a higher purpose, so that employees love working at your company and customers love doing business with you.


Know your market differentiators and engineer your customer experience from the beginning of the sales cycle, through onboarding, and across the entire customer lifespan, so that your customers become raving fans of what you offer in the marketplace.

Rental & Service Offering

Develop a winning value proposition with the right* equipment and services, in the right markets, at the right price, supported by the right suppliers, at the right scale, and compellingly communicate the value that you are uniquely positioned to deliver.

* “right” = right for your company!


Whether in-house or outsourced, a team of competent specialists is critical to long-term success. Make sure you cover all the bases—safety, operations, route management, dispatch, sales, accounting, human resources, and community development—you know, the fun stuff!

Business Development

Build a sales team of knowledgeable, enthusiastic evangelists and support staff, empowered with state-of-the-art technology and award-winning marketing communications.

About David Andres

The Importance of Why

Simon Sinek is one of a handful of thought leaders who have inspired me and helped to shape who I am. As Sinek and others before him have taught me, I believe that we humans have a fundamental need to create meaning in our lives. Sinek calls this our “Why.” When Why is clear, we feel motivated and fulfilled. When we haven’t discovered or articulated our Why, our behavior often is driven by carrots and sticks, often connected to other people’s expectations of us. When we know our Why, we attract and inspire others who hold similar beliefs. As Sinek puts it, “There are leaders and there are those who lead. Leaders hold positions of power or influence. Those who lead inspire us. We follow those who lead not because we have to but because we want to. We follow those who lead not for them, but for ourselves.” All of this is rooted in Why.

My WhyMy Experience

Let’s Talk!

Swapping stories and sharing ideas is always time well spent…

Success Stories

A sample of the many success stories I am honored to have been a part of

5x Growth Over 9 Years


NYC Fleet Week


PROs Bought and Sold



[Dave] has got great understanding of how to run a portable toilet business, but also all of the people that are in the industry—he’s well known. And he really has great insight, good energy, and somebody that I can really trust. Feels great to have somebody like that on my side and advocating for us, connecting us with the right people, and helping us to become a success … Dave is a great choice and we’ve had really good success with him.

Curtis Ingalls, CEO

NexGen Sanitation, P-Pod Manufacturing, and Crapper King

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We’ve gotten a lot of things done … Dave’s got lots of ideas—they’re good ideas … he’s very accessible to us any time we need it … he cares about our company and our business … Becky and I had a vision for where we wanted to go, but we didn’t have a roadmap … Dave has helped us build that roadmap … and get the people around us excited about being here, which has made a huge difference in morale … Dave has definitely made it fun … we’re very grateful for David … he’s very valuable to our team.

Tim and Becky Peltzer


Waste Solutions of Iowa, LLC

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Working with Dave has been a good journey for us, who were relatively new to portable sanitation. Meeting Dave meant for us meeting an expert in the field with years of experience, but also who has not lost and only increased in his passion for the industry itself and for the folks [who work in it]. Through Dave, we learned a lot about the problems that PROs encounter and how we can help solve them.

Dmitri Poukhovski and Angelique Denneman


AirVote, LLC

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There’s not a question that I have asked where David didn’t have five answers waiting to give back to me … in addition, he has a ton of questions for me and has the experience in the industry to dig into what I do to help me in my [sales manager] position, my sales team, and the entire company. I’m very grateful that we’ve had the chance to work together, and I look forward to keeping that relationship going.

Keenan Hughes

Sales Manager

J Bar Enterprises, LLC

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I think what [Dave] is doing for the industry is fantastic … I see a ton of different businesses through our software platform … everyone has their idiosyncratic way of running their business, and I think Dave is the first person to really look across all these different ways of doing things and come up with a way that is the best, come up with a way that’s most efficient. I’m excited for him to take that out into the world and show everybody what he’s got.

Jonah Chilton


Service Core, Inc.

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FYP Team

Specialists who help me help my clients achieve their desired outcomes

David Andres

Founder and President

Stephen Tucker


Chris Ricchetti


Clients, Partners and Podcast Guests